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Replacing Diesel with Natural Gas

Orbit Energy is an Australian company based in Perth, Western Australia. We work with resource and industrial users to reduce their fuel costs by supplying natural gas as CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) or LNG (Liquefied natural Gas) as an alternative to using diesel or fuel oil. 

Why Use LNG or CNG?

Orbit Energy can provide services that optimise site energy efficiency to further reduce both opex and carbon footprint.

It costs much less than diesel

Orbit Energy's business model is to offer alternative fuels at a significant discount to the cost of diesel.


Protection against cost escalation

Orbit Energy can offer customers flexibility in pricing indexation. CNG or LNG can be linked to CPI and to the Australian dollar or to an oil price in US dollars.

Environmentally friendly

Engines running on gas emit 20% less CO2 and virtually no particulates and sulphur compounds. Switching to gas from diesel would be a major enabler to reaching greenhouse gas reduction targets.

Replace imported fuels

Almost half of Australia's diesel is imported. Orbit Energy's gas replaces imported fuels.

Investment Opportunities

Our business plans offer an exciting entry into a business with a dynamic 5 year plan

Our Business

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Orbit Energy provides a complete CNG solution. By offering customers depressurised gas at their  site, Orbit Energy looks after all of the issues associated with the gas purchase, compression, transportation, storage and pressure letdown.

Liquefied Natural Gas (Micro LNG)

Orbit Energy is working with partners to offer modularised small scale LNG plants which can be installed at strategic locations primarily to fuel mining and trucking fleets. Where there is a gas pipeline to the mine site, the cost of LNG  will be significantly lower than diesel.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Distribution

Orbit Energy’s long term goal is to establish a large scale LNG distribution network allowing Australia to replace up to $6 billion of its current $16 billion diesel demand with LNG. To be successful, Orbit Energy will aggregate demand, develop key distribution nodes and source LNG. Orbit Energy’s LNG will come from existing large scale plants or its own mini LNG plants. 

Contact us if you would like to know how we can offer you an alternative to expensive diesel.

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